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今夜我不再想遥远的天空 (Tonight I don't think about the distant sky)

不再追随未知的星辰轨迹 (No longer following the unknown star trails)

在这里我只需要你的眼睛 (Here I need only your eyes)

我热切的心需要你听见 (My passionate heart needs you to hear)

在无尽的黑暗中唤醒我 (Wake me up in the endless darkness)

你是我的心魔 我的梦想 (You are my monster, my dream)

你带给我无尽的渴望 (You bring me endless desires)

在这夜我要与你共舞 (In this night I want to dance with you)

在这宇宙最疯狂的一端 (At the wildest end of the universe)

我的狂热来自你的呼唤 (My passion comes from your call)

就算疯狂 (Even if it's crazy)

这就是我追求的完美瞬间 (This is the perfect moment I've been seeking)

在黑暗中 我只看见你的身影 (In the darkness, I only see your figure)

你的眼神 是我的弱点 (Your eyes are my weakness)

我无法抗拒你的诱惑 (I cannot resist your temptation)

你是我心中的怪兽 (You are the monster in my heart)

唤醒我沉睡已久的热情 (Wake up my long-sleeping passion)

在你的怀抱中 我重获新生 (In your embrace, I am reborn)

在这无尽的夜晚 我要与你共舞 (In this endless night, I want to dance with you)

你是我心中的怪兽 (You are the monster in my heart)。


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